You are well educated--graduated from an esteemed institution, maybe even have post-graduate experience and training. Still, you have trouble getting a job in industry! was created to help you get into industry. Built by scientists for scientists, you get the instruction, the tools, the samples, and the help you need to make that step.

Resume vs. CV
A Curriculum Vitae (C.V) is generally used as part of an application package for an academic position (faculty, lecturer, dean, etc.) It reflects what is important in academia, but what does a Resume reflect?

Get answers to some of your most often asked questions like: "Why don't I get responses when I apply to job ads that look like a perfect match for me," "Should I use a profile or objective?"

Why Us
We know what works! Scientific Resumes was launched to help scientists move out of academia and into industry. Every scientific leader and hiring manager in industry once came out of academia themselves. Each made the transition and now wants to help you do the same.

What You Get
Designed specifically for graduate students and postdocs in science
who want to transition into industry, you will be able to immediately download everything you need to get started.

How to Order
Check out our packages and decide which one works best for you. More than just a format to use. More than generalities. More than suggestions.
Designed specifically for graduate students and postdocs
in science who want to transition into industry.

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